Breakup Fashion

My latest and GREATEST addition to my wardrobe are the shoes pictured below. I bet you are starting to catch on that I am a shoe addict…(go figure)

Well, for my other shoeaholics out there, this one’s for you. A beautiful pair of shoes from White House Black Market. These are my current must have of the moment (esp. since I got them on sale for $14.99 from $98!).

Can I get a woo hoo?

My breakup seems to have made my shoe collection, quite a bit larger. Oh well, a girl needs a shoe for every occasion, correct?

Hey ladies, these shoes may not be your cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find your own shoe of the moment. Go out there and see what you like, it might just give you that little extra spring in your step.


Miss Behaving xox


My must buy of the moment is the shoes pictures below…I love them (enough said).

I must admit that my love for shoes is a little ridiculous (if you saw my closet you would understand), but my justification for this particular pair of shoes is as follows:

1. Classy (can be worn to work)

2. A sensible color that goes with most things

3. I love them (did I mention this?)

Ok, so maybe number three isn’t quite validation that I should buy this particular pair, but when it comes to the aftermath of a breakup, I think everyone should be allowed to treat themsevles every once in a while, right?

Breakups are often a time in my life where I feel a strong desire to shop. Yes, like many other women out there I am a shopaholic, but add a breakup to the mix and it’s disaster. You see, many times my credit card will pay the price of my ex’s mistakes, which means more debt for me and a much fuller closet. As much as I enjoy owning nice things, I do need to take control of my shopping habits after a breakup.

So, all this is to say, be careful how much you spend after a breakup, I am all about treating yourself every now and then, but don’t get carried away. So, I herby allow you to buy yourself something nice but don’t get the matching bag…just yet 😉



So, he’s out of your life…but we all know that if we just happen to run into him one day, we at least want to look good doing it.

Below are a few suggestions for what to wear for such a run in:

The "work" shoe

Yes, we all need them (or we find a reason we need them), but trust me when I tell you a nice high heel (such as the one pictured above) can get you a long way. No, it won’t necessarily be easy to walk in but it will look good. It also serves as a nice sharp edged weapon (you know, just in case).

The Little Black Dress

You’ve heard it a million times, but its true, every girl needs a little black dress. However, my one rule is to make it cute and classy, we don’t need to be exposed to your goods, let’s keep a little to the imagination.  A black dress (such as the two pictured above) is a nice thing to wear on an evening out or even on the date with the new guy you’re seeing!

One response to “Breakup Fashion

  1. I love this blog! Perfect for the time I’m going through : thank you for making me smile!! cg x

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